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Community Litter Pick

Riverside Community Council

Environment Sub-Group


Litterpick 21 April 2024 for KSB Spring Clean Scotland 2024

















On a increasingly soggy Sunday morning, ten keen volunteers turned out for the third and final litterpick of the series inspired by Keep Scotland Beautiful's (KSB) 'Spring Clean Scotland' project that runs up until the end of April.
We were delighted to see so many volunteers, including a contingency from the 1st Stirlingshire Scouts who are working towards their environmental award.
Our focus was on the path running alongside the railway, the bowling buildings at Forth Street, and the path along Lovers' Walk and Dean Crescent as far as the community orchard.  Between us, we collected 8 bags, and some items too big to fit in bags! We also recovered a road sign which had been 'relocated' after the re-surfacing of the road along Dean Crescent.
Volunteers expressed a great deal of enjoyment and sense of satisfaction gained through litterpicking these past few weeks. Seeing a litter-free area which was previously blighted by patches of rubbish, is very rewarding. It shows that as a community, we care about, and are proud of where we live, and want to make it better for all to enjoy, and safer for both people and wildlife.
Shall we make litterpicks a regular feature of the Riverside Community Calendar?! Let us know!
Very many thanks to all the volunteers for such a tremendous effort, and to the Riverbank Centre, Stirling Council, and KSB, for their kind support."

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