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Active travel and sustainable transport

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Stirling Walking and Cycling Index

The Walking and Cycling Index (formerly Bike Life) is the biggest assessment of walking, wheeling and cycling in urban areas in the UK and Ireland.

It is delivered by Sustrans in collaboration with 23 cities and urban areas. Each city reports on the progress made towards making walking, wheeling and cycling more attractive, everyday ways to travel.


The Walking and Cycling Index reports every two years. This is the third report from Stirling produced in partnership with Stirling Council. The data in this report comes from 2023 and includes local walking, wheeling and cycling data, modelling and an independent survey of 1,174 residents aged 16 or above in Stirling.


The survey was conducted from March to June 2023. Social research organisation NatCen conducted the survey, which is representative of all residents, not just those who walk, wheel or cycle. 

You can download the report here:

A message from Ashleigh

I’m Ashleigh and I am the lead for the Active Travel and Sustainable Transport subgroup.


I grew up on my bike, riding it around the neighbourhood to visit friends when I was a child. As an adult, who mostly drove for transport, I tried a bit of mountain biking, but what I really missed was just hopping on my bike to get from place to place.  After moving to Riverside in 2019, I decided to choose a bike over a car whenever it was possible, as Riverside is so central and well-connected to the rest of Stirling, and close to the bus and train stations. Having kids made using a bike for transport a little trickier, but over the years we’ve found a few different solutions that have helped us to get around by bike as a family, and my kids love using the bus and train.


The Active Travel and Sustainable Transport subgroup aim to encourage Riversiders to shift to walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport whenever possible, and to advocate for better public transport options, and safer, more accessible, pavements and streets.


I truly believe that our neighbourhood (and our city) could be a cleaner, greener, healthier and happier place to be if we walk, wheel and cycle shorter journeys whenever possible, and choose public transport for longer trips whenever we can.

Travel-LiGHT Project

We are pleased to announce that our Travel-Light Project has been completed.


Riverside Community Council's Active Travel and Sustainable Travel group applied for, and were successful in securing funding from Path's For All Smarter Choices, Smarter Places.  

At the end of July we completed and submitted our findings after achieving our objectives:

  • Monitor and report gaseous pollutant levels

  • Undertake a local survey of residents

  • Make Lovers' Walk safer and more attractive for Active Travel

Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions we made the decision to cancel our planned Active Travel day.  In it's place we undertook a Disability Audit of some of the main streets in Riverside.

next step...

Our next step will be to develop an Active Travel Plan for Riverside, allowing us to plan our current and future projects based on what our community has told us.


This will involve forming a short term working group, consisting of members of other sub groups, including the Parking Group and the Riverside Gateway group, other interested parties, eg, Stirling Council and Riverside Primary school, and as many members of our community that would like to have a say in moving towards more Active Travel in Riverside.

We are really looking forward to this next stage and if you would like to be part of this new group, please let us know here.


FeBruary nEwsletter

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March nEwsletter

July nEwsletter

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minutes & information

Why 20mph?

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Winter Cycling Tips

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Travel light update

april 2021

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Sub Group Update 

March 2021

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February 2020

Meeting Minutes

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Issue Table

Oct 2019

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August 2019

Meeting Minutes

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September 2019 Meeting Minutes

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travel light Update

august 2020

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october 2019

Meeting Minutes

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November 2019

Meeting Minutes

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Check back soon for local events

local partners

It is important to us to work with partners within Riverside and those who use, work and enjoy Riverside.

We've been working with Wallace High and Riverside Primary School to find out about the challenges and suggestions they may have.  We also welcomed some of the primary's Road Safely Officers to our drop in to get their comments about their travel experiences in Riverside.

Enjoy some of Riverside Primary School's pupils fantastic suggestions for Lover's Walk.  

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