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community council

Community Council members

Joan Murphy (Chair), Carol Robertson (Vice Chair), Fiona Dyet (Secretary),
Fiona Berrow (Treasurer), Bob Dale, Ashleigh Phillip, Parvin Morrissey and Jude Treliving.

The Community Council will meet on the last Wednesday of every month (except July and December):
June 28th, Aug 30th, Sept 27th, Oct 25th, Nov 29th

Associate members

Riverside Community Council is privileged to be supported by our associate members who help us with their expertise.

Di Alderdice - Active and Sustainable Travel

Chara Parraco - Defibrillators

Andrew Fraser - Roads and Planning

Pat Morrissey - Website

Lorna Smith - Accessibility

Past Members - thank you

Riverside Community Council would like to say thanks Emily McLaughlin, Sue Dumbleton and Alison Swanson for all their work over the past four years. If it ain't creative, then it ain't Riverside, so our very own bard of the bend of the river composed these lines of appreciation:

For Emily

Your passion for Riverside is at the heart of what you’ve done
You’ve answered every email, been creative and full of fun
You’ve encouraged involvement and revealed folks’ ability
You’ve stuck to your guns, and shaken off hostility
You’ve influenced so many and made the website dazzle
You’ve filled the noticeboards with info and loads of sparky razzle
We don’t know how we’ll replace you and will miss your enthusiasm
We’re so sad to see you go – you’re leaving quite a chasm

For Sue

Throughout your four year stint as vice, your support has been immense
You’ve unscrambled garbled WhatsApps - even when they’re dense
You’ve dealt with Signal and Zoom and Teams on your phone
Given advice and reassurance and stood in for Joan
You’ve come up with great ideas and led on lots of projects too
Like the Centenary tree, Cambuskenneth bridge and don’t forget the pigeon poo
The work you’ve done has definitely made our Community Council secure 
And the Riverside reputation will continue to endure.

For Alison

You’re a wizard with Planning details and your knowledge is quite rare
What you could do with Council schedules made me stand and stare
You have a grasp of constitutional rules – you never miss a trick
And you never fail to make me laugh – your humour is so slick
You monitor the Whatsapp group – a thankless task I think
With people posting groans and moans and the occasional kitchen sink
We will miss you greatly and hope you come and join us from the floor
We’ll still value your opinion – there’s always an open door.

We are an organisation that: 

  • Acts as a bridge between citizens and public authorities

  • Works at a local level, open to all citizens to attend meetings and take part in public deliberation

  • Consists of people who volunteer, to help address issues on behalf of their local community.

  • Works more democratically when interest and awareness and voting turnout are higher

  • Enables people to engage in political decision making and current issues, without having party politics as a basis for contribution.

  • Is a way for people with little experience of politics to get involved.

  • Facebook

Contact us -We always want to hear about what matters to you.

Email us here.

Join us - We hold meetings each month and you can join us sub-groups.

Find dates and minutes here.

Sign Up - Join our mailing list here.

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